Sunday, January 6, 2013

Day 6 : Sunday January 6, 2013

I loved day 6!

So, when I woke up today I was thinking how part of me wished that we started P90X at the beginning of the workweek, on a Monday because today would be our rest day.  But... since I was adamant about starting on the first of the month, we began on a Tuesday which means that our 7th day (and rest day!) will be on a Monday. Oh well. Not a huge deal. I guess having Monday "off" will work fine.

My upper thighs feel much better than they did yesterday. Today, the pain I feel is in the back of my legs mostly and my shoulders and abs a little bit. It's definitely less painful than the past few days! I truly appreciate being able to sit on the toilet without yelping in extreme pain. For realzzz.

I actually woke up feeling STRONG today. I felt that my tummy was tighter and that I was leaner somehow. My weight has dropped a bit, but I'll update that when we officially weigh in.

Today was Kenpo X, which I loved!

There were a ton of kicks and punches and I got to get rid of any built up frustrations I had. It was great!! I am so excited that we made it through the first 6 workouts. Tomorrow is a rest day or stretching if we want to. We'll see how we feel tomorrow and decide then!

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