Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I started P90X!

And so the journey begins...

My husband and I started P90X yesterday (1/1/2013). I know, it's kind of cliche starting on New Year's Day, but it just kind of worked out that way. Really! The back story is that my hubby and I are couch potatoes by nature. We found ourselves getting home from work and taking up residence on our couch, stuffing our mouths with food, drink and desserts and then heading straight to the more comfortable position of lying flat in bed watching TV, doing absolutely nothing physical. You'd think we were in a competition to see who could move the LEAST each night and who could pack on the pounds the fastest!

Life was good and lazy until around October when my hubby weighed himself and saw the dreaded 200 on the scale. This was an all time high for him, so he decided then and there that it was time to change. He started eating healthier and walking nightly. I, on the other hand, was stubborn and not "ready" to change my ways, so I continued to eat and be lazy for another few weeks. I was watching the positive changes my hubby was making, while I continued my gluttonous ways.

About two weeks later, I decided it was time to change too. My clothes were uncomfortably tight and I had refused to buy new, larger ones. I weighed in at 155 lbs. Honestly, this weight isn't horrible on my frame. I am a sturdy 5 feet, 6.5 inches. But, I just felt gross. You know. Like when you look in the mirror and see all the lumps and bumps on your body. Or when you take your pants off and have the deep, pink line cut into your stomach from pants that are two sizes too small. Or in pictures, when your face shows the double chins. I know it sounds silly, but I was tired of keeping a two year old profile pic on Facebook because that's the last time I felt I looked good in pictures. So, I joined my hubby and our health kick began!

We started eating less, making healthier choices and walking nightly - together! I can't tell you how great it is to do this with a partner. Someone that pushes you when you need it and that is there for you when you're feeling lazy. We even started jogging a little bit. Yes, you heard me right - jogging. If you knew me, you'd know that this is a BIG DEAL! By the end of December, I had lost 10 pounds and was down to 145 and the leader of our team was weighing in at a low weight of 180. He had successfully dropped 20 lbs. Stupid guys and their wonderful ability to drop weight fast! :p

So, where does P90X come in? 

The hubby told me in early December that he was thinking of starting P90X around Christmas. When he gets an idea in his head, it's hard to get him to change his mind. He has the strongest will-power of anyone I've ever met! He's quit smoking, drinking and anything else bad for you. He's a great example for others.

I was able to talk him into starting on the first of the next month, which happened to be January 1st. More for  ease of tracking, than anything else. Since the program is broken up in 3 phases and has you measure every 30 days, I thought we could measure at the end of each month. Nice and easy for tracking.

Before we started, I did a bit of searching online for more info on P90X. I found some good info, but it primarily targeted  men. I really wanted to sink my teeth into info for women. I wanted to read what other women thought of the plan and details of their journey along the way. I didn't find much. Once I started the program, I decided that I would detail my journey for others to read and maybe learn from.

The plan is to write a post for each day, outlining my progress and thoughts along the way. I plan on being open and honest with this process. If you found this blog, you may see my other blogs and notice I started blogging a few years ago to get my finances on track. I was successful with that and the blog held me accountable. I have the same hopes for this one.

Here's some pics of other people who have been successful with this program. I hope to have similar pictures at the end of this journey :)

 Here goes nothing!

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